ower Tags Titles and More
Approved ADOT Third Party MVD
Queen Creek (480) 677-3132
Florence (520) 788-6014
Motor Vehicle Services
At Power Tags we know that you have a choice when it comes to your motor vehicle registration, title, and licensing needs. Therefore, we strive to offer our community the best experience possible while you are with us. At Power Tags, our customers are not a number, but number one!

Vehicle Registration
It's fast and convenient at Power Tags, Titles & More. Check your renewal notice or current registration to find your due date. This will help you avoid unnecessary late fees.
Contact us for all your vehicle registration needs.

Vehicle Title
When you buy a vehicle, Arizona law requires that you apply for a title within 15 days of purchase and submit the appliction to Power Tags, Title & More to complete the process. We can help y ou with the process and ensure you are not purchase a vehicle with forged documents.
Contact Us for all your vehicle titling needs.

Registration Renewal
Initial Registration
1- Year Registration Reneewal
2- Year Registration Renewal
5-Year Registration Renewal
Duplicate Registration
Replacement Plate/Tab
Vehical Renewal
*If desired, registration renewal can be conducted over the phone by calling (520)788-6014. All paperwork can be picked up at our office.
Contact Us for all your vehicle registration needs.

Driver's License Record
Duplicate Drier's License
Motor Vehicle Record 39 Months
Motor Vehicle Record 5 Years Certified
Motor Vehicle Record 10 Years Certified

License Plates
many Plates may be personalized with a leter/number combineation of your choice. In addtion, a wide variety of specialty plates are available (license plates are no longer issued from field offices).
Personalized Plate Orders
Permanent Placards
Specialty Plates
Temporary Placards
Contact Us for all your motor vehicle needs

Vehicle Inspections
Vehicle inspections determine the identity of the vehicle and (in some cases) verify that the a vehicle is properly equiped for the highway use.
Level One Vehicle Inspections
Conducted at Power Tags, Titles & More. Level I inspections are for out-of_state vehicleswith out proof of title and/or registration, and for bonded titles. This is required only for certain vehicles. Moste vehicles are successfully inspected and verifd at this level.
Abandoned Vehicle Inspections
According to Arizona law, an "abandoned vehhicle" is a vehicle, trailer or semitrailer that is subject to registration and has been abandoned on public or private property, whether lost, stolen, abandoned, or otherwise unclaimed.
If you intend to take possession of an abandoned vehicle, it must be inspected before a title can be issued.
Contact Us for more information on where and when to have the abandoned vehicle inspected.

Driver's LIcense Issuance and Testing
Permit Testing
Road Testing
Driver's License Issuance
Learner's Permit Issuance
State ID Issuance
The above services are only offered at our Queen Creek loctation. You can schedule a Road Test at our Queen Creek office >>here<<.
Contact Us for all your driver's license, permits, road test and permit tests.

Restricted Use 3-Day
The Restricted Use 3-Day Permit is valid for three (3) business days following the date of purchase. Weekends and holidays are not counted toward the permit's expiration time. Expired permites must be destroyed. You may be cited for the misuse of the Restricted Use 3-Day Permit.
30-Day General Use Permit
A 30-Day General Use permit allows a person to operate a vehicle when no other permit applies. Only 1 per calendar year is authorized.
90-Day Registration
An Arizona resident who does not have complete documentation for issuance of a title or registration may apply for a 90-day registration. This registration allows you to operate the vehicle while obtaining additional documentation. When complete documentation is submitted, vehicle license taxes will be calculated, for the full year, back to the date of issuance of the 90-day registration.
Contact Us for all your permitting needs.

Other Services at Power Tags, Titles, and More
Abandonded Vehicle Fees
Address Change
Cride Plate Refund
Finger Printing
Insurance Verification
Road Test
Sold Notice
SR-22 Re-Instatement
Vision Exam
Contact us for all your motor vehicle needs.