Customers urged to use online services
The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division reminds customers that all MVD office visits require an appointment. Only services that have to be done in person are available. This does not apply to Authorized Third Party providers. Power tags for instance, is open, but has the following changes:
Limiting hours of service ·
Removing chairs from the lobby area ·
Allowing only the individual with the transaction need into the office ·
Temporarily eliminating certain services like road tests, etc.
To reduce the number of people who may require office visits, Gov. Doug Ducey last week issued an Executive Order extending the driver license expiration date by six months for anyone whose license expires between March 1 and Sept. 1. In order to make an appointment, customers should call the statewide service number at 602.712.2700 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. In addition to setting up appointments, MVD agents will determine if a customer can get their MVD service online and assist if necessary. More than two-thirds of MVD services are available at ServiceArizona.com. For more information: azdot.gov/mvd