The Road Test
The final step to obtaining your Arizona’s driver’s license is the road test. It’s perfectly natural to feel anxiety when you’re preparing for and taking the test, but there are general guidelines that you can follow to make the experience a lot easier on your nerves. Make sure you’ve read the entire Arizona Driver License Manual. When you’re preparing for and taking your driver’s license road test:

Do: • Know and respect the Arizona traffic laws (speed, changing lanes, etc.) • Get lots of sleep the night before the test • Have a good meal before you check in • Wear your seatbelt the entire time you’re in the car • Remain courteous and follow all directions given by your administrator
DO NOT: • Drive like you’re playing Grand Theft Auto • Change lanes without checking and signaling • Exceed the speed limit • Drive distractedly • Break any other Arizona traffic laws
Follow the traffic laws, drive safely and courteously and you’ll be on your way to passing Arizona's driver’s license road test!
Have questions? Contact Power Tags!
Queen Creek Location (Drivers Licenses, Titles, Registrations)
3125 W. Hunt Highway Suite #104
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Tel: (480) 677-3132
495 N. Pinal Pkwy Suite #105
Florence, AZ 85132
Tel: (520) 788-6014